Unfortunately there’s no Magic Money Tree growing at the forest garden or biscuit tree for that matter. But as our book-keeper Julie showed everyone graphically at our recent Annual General Meeting this is how we make ends meet
22% comes from donations – the majority from our Friends of the Forest Garden monthly donation scheme
29% came from grants – thankfully we have found some funders who don’t insist on endless forms and reports – and who come and visit and see what we do. If you are funder, you should try it rather than getting small charities to waste time and compete for small pots of gold
19% came from covid grants and the governments furlough scheme
30% came from activities, mainly the services we provide to schools for our educational work
The real problem is that we spent £82,000 but had just under £79,000 income so you can see a bit of a shortfall, and there won’t be any covid support this financial year.
We are always looking for more partners and funders who see the value of our work, and don’t expect us to be glued to a computer screen all day.
But the best thing you can do is become a Friend of the Forest Garden and persuade your mates as well. It’s simple to set up and even small amounts add up to make a big difference – and you’re welcome to come up to our workdays, have lunch and see us in action. Just don’t expect Money Tree Pie.
* If you want to see a copy of this years accounts please email info@moulsecoombforestgarden.org