After careful consideration of this rapidly changing and unusual situation, I have just agreed with Warren that it would be best to close the Forest Garden to volunteers, schools and visitors for now until further notice.
Clearly this has not been an easy decision, and it’s not what we were hoping for. The Trustees are working hard behind the scenes to make sure we can carry on as a charity for as long as possible, and we will update you on a regular basis about our position.
Thanks to an incredible effort by the team we have a small financial buffer but it won’t last long. If you know any rich people, then their support will really help our longer term survival.
I’m so sorry that we’ve had to decide this. The Forest Garden has always been a place of inclusion and well-being. Keeping a physical distance doesn’t mean we have to be socially isolated so please make good use of our social media and keep in touch with us.
Thanks everyone, and we will do our absolute best to carry on as soon as we possibly can.
Thank you for all your support
Susie Howells
Chair of Trustees