On a drizzly November day we set about clearing up what was left of our shed. Burnt timber, twisted metal roofing, melted plastic, cracked cups…it had to be sorted to be burnt, recycled, sold to the scrappy and taken to the tip. But what a response! All the pupils and teachers from Springboard , pupils and staff from ACE, regular and new volunteers, pupils from the past, all got stuck in to make light of the work.
Daisy dished up pumpkin soup and the Bridge Community Centre kindly brought up sandwiches and crisps for everyone. We had deliveries of cooking equipment from some BHOGGers and Coachwerks
In the afternoon we sat round the fire and planned a temporary structure to go up as soon as, while the council came and promised a proper fence.
Massive thanks to everyone who helped, has sent us messages of support, cash and equipment.
You always hope that you are making a difference and people care about what you do. The last few days have shown that people really do.
Before long a bigger, better ‘shed’ will rise from the ashes.
To quickly put up a temporary structure we need
Galvanized roof sheeting. We need between 2-3 metre lengths of galvanised metal sheet roofing that when overlapped will span a 6 metres in length and appropriate ridge sections. 200 appropriate fixings approx
Treated timber We need 6×4.2 metre lengths of 4by4inches
10×3 metre lengths of 4by4inches
6×3 metre lengths of 4by2inches
Clay. To help build a new wood burning stove.
We also still need catering sized pans and saucepans (with lids if possible), cafeteria, kettle for the fire, storage tins for biscuits, tea, coffee and sugar, metal potato mashers and ladles.